No sign posts - you really have to know where you're going although it is just off a main road.
Nice, friendly welcome from Reception staff
Spacious room (for 4 people), refurbished to a good standard although we didn't appreciate the plastic sheets on the beds ...
The venue also hosts weddings and other functions. When we arrived, they were hosting a birthday party and a wedding. We had to walk through the wedding party to access our room, which was a little awkward as we were in our 'travelling clothes' while the wedding guests were in their fancy dresses and stillettos! And while the staff said that it would be possible for us to eat in the restaurant, it was pretty clear that we would be out of place and a hassle to them... The party went on until 4am, with guests coming and going throughout the evening, with a particularly loud female guest wailing to her boyfriend for about 20 minutes in the car park (no hotel staff seemed to be around at this time). There were a few rabbits and turkeys at the front - one turkey was very happy to communicate with the guests throughout the night ... all in all, not the best night's sleep!
Breakfast the following morning was fine.