During my recent 3-night stay at The Anam Resort, I suffered severe food poisoning after attending a seafood BBQ party recommended by the resort on the first night. By the following morning, I was experiencing intense stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and headaches. I sought assistance from the on-site nurse and later visited an emergency room, where a doctor diagnosed food poisoning caused by contaminated food.
Initially, the resort offered tea and a comforting message, and I appreciated their warm response. However, the next day, I received a message implying my illness was due to my "sensitive stomach" and advising me to avoid raw foods, suggesting that the responsibility was mine. Even after I explained the doctor’s diagnosis, the resort maintained that no other guests were affected, thus implying their food and hygiene were not at fault.
When I expressed my discomfort with this response, I was told it was a "misunderstanding" and was asked to meet in person. Expecting an apology, I attended the meeting, but felt the focus was more on preventing a negative review than on genuine concern for my experience.
This incident led to a loss of trust in The Anam’s food safety and customer service. Unfortunately, my trip was overshadowed by illness and disappointment, and I would hesitate to recommend this resort based on my experience.