First, the employee at the desk gave us the wrong room and when we opened the door of the designated room, there was already someone there, it was really dirty and it smelled cigarette like hell. The guy seemed to be living there since a while... Fortunately he was not in a delicate position!
The exterior of the building was really dirty and in poor condition (employees were renovating and painting but still...). The second room we got was so badly isolated, we could hear all the sounds outside. The hotel is next to a highway, so we could clearly hear the roars of the cars and trucks. And if that was not enough, there was a 1 inch (I am not kidding 1 inch!!) gap below the door. So every sound from the outside came in like if we were outside. We could "see" the shadows of the people walking on the balcony in front of our door.
The heating system was off, and the temperature outside were cool for this period of the year, so it was really cold inside.
We felt we would never be able to sleep there and we were even afraid that someone could came in at any time, or steel our car or whatever.
So we decide to leave and find another place and in the end, we never stayed at that hotel.