Revitalized Gijon is a sprawling coastal community in northern Spain, and far from the industrial city it once was. Nowadays, it features picturesque seafront walks, parks, and pedestrianized zones, as well as a seriously good beach and nightlife scene. Its centerpiece is Cimadevilla, a historic waterside fisherman's quarter that features characterful old buildings, top-notch seafood restaurants, and lively nightspots.

Must-see attractions include Revillagigedo Palace, a stout 18th-century building used as an arts center, and the city's aquarium, which houses some 5,000 marine species. Atop Santa Catalina hill is the city's best-known landmark – a curious abstract sculpture by artist Eduardo Chillida.

Gijon : quelles sont les activités incontournables ?

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    Cité portuaire du nord de l’Espagne, Gijón offre un visage complexe entre passé et présent, entre vestiges romains et installations balnéaires modernes. Bien qu’il s’agisse de l’une des plus grandes villes côtières des Asturies, il est tout à fait possible d’en explorer le centre à pied. Et si la ville populaire d’Oviedo au sud offre davantage d’attractions, Gijón jouit quant...

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