For a Hilton chain hotel, I was not surprised at the high quality of the property. Clean, well maintained, comfortable, and amenities present. The front desk staff (evening shift) were excellent to a fault, super friendly and welcoming. I dare say I've never been welcomed more honestly.
My issue? Noise. The property is about 30 yards from 10 lanes of Dallas traffic. The Friday night we stayed there, the racing amateurs of Dallas spent from dark until midnight running at insane speeds down the freeway, with attendant high decibel open exhausts and high performance engine sounds. I should have known something was afoot when the welcome card at the bedside table offered complimentary earplugs, and there was a white noise machine there as well.
I know full well Hilton cannot simply move the hotel back a block or two, but if you sleep light, understand that (probably) depending on the day, you will NOT get much rest. This is the ONLY reason I'm giving this property a three star rating.
I did highly approve of the pool table in the lobby, along with the abundant comfortable seating areas and the stash of board games available. The decor leaned toward Coffee House Chic, but it was cheerful and comfortable downstairs and up.