Tokyo is Japan’s capital city and one of the most engaging and awe-inspiring metropolises in the world. Covering an area of approximately 2,250 square kilometres, the Tokyo Metropolis is a whole world in itself. The city is highly regarded for its safety and high quality of life. It also offers a remarkable blend of old and new – think ancient Shinto shrines not far from magnificent high-rise, neon-lit buildings.

Tokyo is atmospherically multi-faceted. Explore the ultra-futuristic district of Shinjuku and the fashionable shopping district of Shibuya for the most modern scenes, or find more traditional ambiances in Shitamashi where Old Tokyo vibes live on. Outdoorsy types can enjoy spectacular mountain ranges to the west of Tokyo, or enjoy the spacious green spaces like Yoyogi and Inokashira park. 

Tokyo : quelles sont les activités incontournables ?

Articles à la une et divertissement

Tokyo : que faut-il acheter et où ?

Tokyo : où sortir et que faire en soirée ?

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Où séjourner à Tokyo

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Destination Japan : également en vogue par ici

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