Food and Dining in San Antonio

San Antonio travel guide

Food and dining in San Antonio opens the door to a foodie's dream, with culinary traditions that draw from old-school Tex-Mex and combine with creative new approaches. It's one of very few cities in the US to be designated a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy. Here, you can find Mexican and Latin American flavours, barbecue, burgers, seafood, steakhouses, cafes and bakeries, and ethnic food to suit just about any tastes.

From casual takeaway foods to upscale, sit-down dining and family-style barbecue joints, you'll find just what you want here. You can dine along the waterfront or sit down for casual eats at an old-school saloon with an attached gift shop. Try Asian or Italian food with a Texas twist. It's all available with a new culinary experience on every block.

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